Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 5 San Francisco to Lincoln City Oregon

Our general travel route for this week...

Sunday was our first and probably last baseball game of this trip. The Philadelphia Phillies visited the Oakland A's who are battling for one of the American League wild card spots. The Phils are well out of the playoff chase but every such team likes nothing better than to play the role of the spoiler so we expected a good game. We estimated that it should take about an hour to drive from Petaluma over to the east bay and the Oakland Coliseum. Well, make that about an hour and a half in much heavier traffic than we expected on a Sunday morning. The game started at 1:10 PM and we got there about 12:45 so thought we still had time to grab something to eat. After finding where our seats were, we decided on a pizza. Stood in line for a couple of pepperoni and philly cheese steak pizzas which took much longer to make than we hoped and were too messy to take back to our seats so we decided to find a table on the mezzanine instead. While eating, the game started but we were able to catch the action on TV. We watched the entire first inning there and saw the A's ahead 3-1 at that point so we missed a fair bit of live action (drat) and hoped that there would be more scoring after that. We were not disappointed (whew) as there was plenty of scoring in a see-saw game with the score being tied 6-6 at the end of regulation 9 innings. Oakland ended up winning on a 2 run Josh Donaldson home run in the bottom of the 10th and the home town fans went nuts. Nobody cared to thank us for bringing our home team mojo to the A's park (we'll have to look up our record but the home team wins most of the time when we attend a MLB game).  The A's have been in a bit of a slump lately and have dropped from a sure playoff spot into a tight race to the finish. Sitting in front of us were some season ticket holders who are clearly "fair weather supporters"; for one couple she read her e-reader and he read a newspaper pretty well the whole game stopping only to criticize and bitch about something an A's player did; "what's he doing swinging at the first pitch"; "why is he playing- he can't catch anything" etc etc etc. Ironically, Donaldson was one player they sniped at and his game winning home run was on the first pitch he saw in the 10th inning.... they weren't bitching about that one :-)

Anyway, it was an excellent game and we had great seats...

... and the closest we have come to snagging a foul ball when one landed about 4 seats over and 2 rows up from us :-(

The drive back to Petaluma was even heavier traffic than coming to the game and it took over 2 hours to get back. By this time it was early evening and the light was starting to fade so we just stopped at Trader Joe's for a couple of their excellent pre-made salads and bought a six pack of wine (30% discount if you buy six or more) at Raleys and headed back to the KOA for a pleasant evening out. The salads and discounted wine meant an excellent dinner, with a good California red blend, for all of $12 total. Nice.

Monday we headed back over to the east bay to Berkeley for the day. Main stops were Stone Mountain and Daughter where Kris picked up some great sewing patterns and fabric for one of them; lunch at the very nice Poulet on Shattuck Ave; Earthly Goods (just browsing today); Peet's Coffee for an iced latte; and Hida Tool where Brian can always find some cool tool and a new Hida Tool t-shirt. Leaving Berkeley we drove north on San Pablo Ave into Cerrito to a Home Depot where we checked out some sliding door hardware (a brand not carried in Canada).  By that time it was back into the heavy rush hour traffic across the Richmond Bridge and back to Petaluma where we stopped at the Petaluma Market (super market) for a
nice slab of backed ham and some 5 bean salad for dinner. Before heading back to the KOA we stopped in at McNear's for some wine and to catch a bit of baseball action on TV, this time it being Kansas City against Cleveland both teams still in the playoff hunt so pretty exciting.

Tuesday was our designated "Petaluma day". First thing in the morning Brian took the car into the Petaluma Nissan dealer to see if we could get an oil change. They were booked for the day but as luck would have it a customer just then phoned and cancelled his 7:30 appointment so they took our car in straight away. Sweet. Afterwards we drove into Petaluma for a Starbuck's Americano, sat and read our Kindle's for a bit then wandered the main drag. Turns out Tuesday is closing day for many of the stores so not much "in store" browsing, just window browsing for the most part, BUT, Kris did find a fabulous yarn store, Knitterly. Very high end yarn, very tempting, but nothing came home with us.  Looks like they have a nice website with patterns and a  blog. For lunch we had planned to go back to Aqus but decided we should try someplace new so picked Food Bar on the main drag downtown. The service and food was pretty good but be forewarned... they have no restroom... they send you across the plaza to a very public disgustingly dirty place with no water in the sink and nothing to dry your hands with even if there was water. We wondered how the restaurant was able to pass health codes and asked the waitress but she didn't have an answer for that. We are unlikely to return to this place. To finish off the day we stopped in for a wander around the Petaluma Factory Outlets where Kris found a couple of nice tops at Banana Republic. For dinner we stopped at Raley's and picked up a BBQ chicken and some salad fixings. This evening marked the end of our southward journey for this trip. Time to head north towards home.

Wednesday morning we packed up and headed out of the KOA. The traffic heading over to US-101 on North Petaluma Blvd was at a complete standstill so we drove south through the town a couple of miles and found we were able to get onto US-101 northbound easily from Washington Ave and found no problem with the traffic. A bit further north we saw that the hold up there was all to do with the work being done on the interchange and the traffic there was still backed up so we did save some time going the round about way.

Shortly after leaving Petaluma it started to rain and it rained all the way to Benbow, just south of Garberville, where we stopped for the day. On the way we stopped in at the Safeway in Willits and picked up some deli meat and salads for lunch and a steak and veggies for dinner. Due to the rain we decided to just drive through to Benbow and have a bit later lunch when we got there. The Benbow campground recently changed to a KOA so our KOA card got a discount this time (last year they were an independent campground). It was still raining so early evening we decided to just walk over to the old historic Benbow Inn and have some wine and munchies there instead of grilling the steak (it'll keep). Walking over to the Inn we saw just how much they need the rain. The Eel River, which last year had a good robust flow going, was not much more than a small creek with a few slightly deeper pools. Very sad looking! No salmon run on this river at this time.

At the inn, we found a table, ordered some wine and a nice large cheese platter and sat back and watched the baseball game on TV and the crowd in the room. The lounge at the Inn was about half full with a rather eclectic crowd of younger folks (lots of piercings, tats and dreadlocks) and a table of 'older' looking hippies (probably made their fortune in the local agricultural product for which Humboldt County is so famous). And a table of older people, obviously out to the inn for a country weekend, dressed in their 'spiffy' outfits.  Think expensive Friday casual.  They get called through to the dining room for dinner and shortly afterwards a rather dippy looking young lady arrives.  Lots of dyed blond hair, puffy jacket and sorrel boots (I mean, what the heck will she wear if it gets cold??).  Within 5 minutes she has struck up an intense friendship with the pierced/tat/dreads group at the bar, has ordered a bottle of champagne to share and they are all best buddies. A couple of minutes later another older well dressed couple arrives, sees the group at the bar and takes a route through the room to keep them as far away as possible from the group at the bar, chose a table way in the corner and sat there looking nervous.  Perhaps they thought the piercings/tats/dreads were contagious?

Other than the walk over to the inn and back in the pouring rain it was a pleasant evening. The rain continued well into the night but stopped by morning. There was over an inch of water in a basin we had set out on the picnic table. These folks really needed that... and a lot more.

Thursday we stopped at the North Coast Co-Op Food Store in Eureka for some nice looking deli lunch fixings then at the North Coast Knittery for Kris to pick up a knitting project. For lunch we stopped at the dock in Crescent City and had the salmon cakes and salads we picked up earlier in Eureka. Our destination for the day was Brookings, Oregon where we stayed at the Portside RV Park. After checking in we drove around Brookings for a while stopping at the Harris Beach park for a view of the seashore... awesome...

In the evening we went across the street to the Blue Water Cafe and Lounge. A bit dingy  (nary a window in the bar part) but we did have a decent dinner of tempura fish, coleslaw and fries.

Friday we got away a little later (11ish) than normal and were headed for Yachats but after a stop at the Wool Company in Bandon and a lunch stop at Fishpatrick's Crabby Cafe on the dock at Winchester Bay (hard to resist their grilled oysters and crab cakes!)  it was turning into a bit longer day than we like so we elected to stop back at Mercer Lake. They put us in site #5 which we said would be a good test because that is the site they have booked us for Labor Day weekend next year. Sort of a good test because we discovered there is a rather large bright yard light right on the corner of the site which confirmed, for us, that we need to get some black out curtains for the wee trailer. It was like daylight all night long! Anyway, nice relaxing evening sitting overlooking the lake, with a glass of wine or two, before grilling the steak we bought a couple of days ago.

Saturday we awoke to a beautiful morning...

This was a short day as we only drove for a couple of hours to Lincoln City where we stopped for the day. Lots of time in the afternoon to drive around the town and see parts of the shore line and ocean view most people just driving through miss out on. Very nice. For dinner we walked across the road to the Inn at Spanish Head for some wine and dinner in their 10th floor lounge overlooking the ocean. The crab and prawn cocktails were good but the highlight was the fabulous sunset views out over the Pacific...

Great way to end this week.

Back to Week 4On to Week 6

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 4 Arcata to San Francisco California

Our general travel route for this week...

Sunday we awoke to a cool foggy morning but by late morning it had all burned off and it was a clear warm day. After coffee at the RV park we drove south on US 101 about 5 minutes south of Eureka to King Salmon Drive and Gill's By The Bay, another of our favorite small restaurants on the coast, for an early lunch of seafood chowder and grilled sole and halibut. Most excellent as usual! After lunch we drove back into Eureka where Kris was dropped off to wander about the historic old town area, specifically to Talisman Beads and two yarn shops (Yarn Fun and Northcoast Knittery) while Brian went off to check out Pierson Building Center (aka The Big Hammer). A decent afternoon for both of us. Dinner that night was some nice left over poached salmon from Saturday night along with some salad fixings. For entertainment we watched a couple more episodes of The Wire.

Monday we packed up and headed south to Cloverdale, California. We didn't get out of Arcata until nearly noon so it was an all afternoon of driving. We stopped for lunches of salmon burger and hamburger, without the bun, at the Ukiah Brewing Company in Ukiah then walked along the quaint main drag checking out a bookstore and a yarn store. In the yarn store Kris struck up a conversation with the owner and mentioned that we were from British Columbia. The owner said that she was from British Columbia. Kris asked her where she lived and the owner said she grew up in Trail whereupon Kris exclaimed that she grew up in Rossland (just 6 miles up the hill from Trail). Small world!

We spent 3 nights (Mon, Tues, Wed) at the Cloverdale KOA. This is a great location on the hill overlooking the Anderson River Valley and it is even better mid week when there are no hoards of kids here. For these 3 nights there couldn't have been many more than a handful of sites occupied. Pamela, the owner, told us that we were in the calm before the storm as she was expecting 60 families (close to 200 people) for the weekend and she was expecting chaos! This part of the state is in the midst of the worst drought in 100 years so they ask that everybody do their best to conserve water. So what do we see one morning? Buddy behind us is washing his RV and tow vehicle and generally spraying water all around. Went over to the office to tell Pam that she needed better signage! So she goes around and asks everyone to please not waste water. Less than a half hour later another guy starts washing his RV (yes she asked him too). He is pretty close to our site so Brian goes over and reminds him of the request to not waste water... well didn't that just get his knickers in a knot! Buddy.. "Do you work here?"; Brian... "No"; Buddy... "Well mind your own f*cking business!"; Brian..."Water conservation is everybody's business"; Buddy..."Well, their f*cking trees put leaves on my RV and the f*cking leaves are wrecking my roof!..." HUH... enough said... Other than those bozos it was a good 3 days. Weather was good and were able to enjoy the excellent pool once. While at the pool we met a couple with a huge 5th wheel and they told us how they were traveling down the highway when two tires on one side of the trailer blew out (he thought they must have hit something) and the impact almost tore off one of their slideouts. We went over and had a look and the slideout was pretty banged up. Some significant repairs required there.

Anyway, for the 3 days we did our usual in this area; a walk around the lovely town of Healdsburg, an excellent lunch at the Francis Ford Coppola Winery; a drive over to Calistoga and St Helena with a very good lunch at The Model Bakery; and evening drinks and munchies at the bar in Ruth McGowans Brew Pub in Cloverdale. Driving around we saw numerous vineyards beginning to harvest their grapes which all looked great...

Wednesday night actually brought on some most welcome rain (not much drought wise but it did wet a lot of earth in an area very worried about forest fires). Thursday morning we packed up and headed south all the way to Petaluma about 48 minutes away. This was the start of a San Francisco weekend and we elected to stay out at the Petaluma KOA and just drive into the city rather than pay the now exorbitant hotel rates. The unfortunate thing is that it was a "family weekend at the KOA" which means "chaos", much of it uncontrolled. The fortunate part is that we weren't there during the day!

Thursday afternoon, after checking into the KOA, we stopped at Aqus Cafe in Petaluma for lunch then drove south to San Rafael to Dharma Trading where Kris finally found the type of yarn she has been looking for.

Friday and Saturday were San Francisco days. A highlight for Kris was a tour at Britex Fabrics.  For those of you who don't sew, Britex is the Holy Grail of fabric stores for luxury fabrics.  10,000 square feet on 3 floors filled with seriously wonderful fabric from all over the world.  They also have a huge selection of buttons and trims, many of which are not available elsewhere.  Hand loomed wool, hand made lace - the stuff that couturiers use.  Many of their clients are designers who make the gowns for the Academy Awards and other red carpet events.  In one display they have photos from The Game of Thrones and the samples of the fabrics and trims used to make some of the costumes. One of the employees at Britex was recently a competitor on Project Runway.  Britex has a wonderful blog with resident bloggers - one of the bloggers lives in Courtenay and has an indie line of sewing patters for men's clothing. Kris also enjoyed a visit to Fabrix which is at the far end of the spectrum from Britex as you could get.  They are a place where designers and manufacturers send their end stock for sale.  Most everything is crazy inexpensive - but it is not really labelled as to fibre content, so you have to know a bit about fabric, but the prices are so good that you can take a chance on something that takes your fancy.  I often see the fabrics that match garments I see in Nordstroms .

The drive into the city wasn't too bad as we went in a little after the real rush hour crunch on Friday but Friday afternoon coming back it took over twice as long as going in. Very slow going! Saturday was much better but still slow coming back as 101 narrows nearing Petaluma so there is much merging. Arriving back in Petaluma it was nearly dark so we stopped at Trader Joe's for a couple of pre-made salads then to the pub at McNear's for wine and munchies and to watch the Giants lose a close one to the Padres and back to the KOA for the salads and to watch an episode of The Wire before calling it a week.

Back to Week 3On to Week 5

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 3 Troutdale to Arcata California

Our general travel route for this week...

Sunday was another fabulous weather day in the Portland area. We decided it was a good day to visit the Hawthorne district so off we went with coffee in hand. First stop was Rejuvenation Hardware. This used to be such a cool place where the emphasis was on salvage recovered from old building demolitions and you could spend ages looking through it. Now, although there is still some old salvage stuff they appear to have, for the most part, gone a bit upscale and much more expensive especially in the lighting department. Not much for us to look at on this day. So then off to Happy Knits knitting store then to the main shopping area along Hawthorne around 30th Ave or so. We visited the local Powell's Bookstore then stopped in at the Bagdad pub for lunch. Very good as usual. After more wandering around we stopped at Starbucks for a couple of iced lattes and sat outside just watching the pedestrian traffic go by. We decided to go off to another neighbourhood along Alberta Street but after driving along several, well many, blocks on Alberta Street we concluded that we had the residential area rather than the retail area and since it was getting late in the afternoon just gave it up. Somewhere along Alberta Street the retail outlets are safe from us! We stopped at Trader Joe's for some supplies then headed back to the trailer to veg out for the evening. We finished off the poached Coho from Saturday along with a watermelon salad for dinner.

Monday was day trip day. Our main target for the day was the Maryhill Museum of Art in Maryhill Washington about an hour and a half east of Troutdale via I-84 to Hood River then WA-14 the rest of the way. Along the way we stopped in at Foothills Yarn & Fiber about 15 minutes south of Hood River not far off OR-35 On the way we had a great view of Mount Hood...
The valley south of Hood River is one of those great micro climates that is just perfect for apple and pear orchards. Beautiful area supplying, among other things, 12% of all Bartlett Pears in the USA. The pear trees are absolutely chock-a-block full of fruit not yet quite ready to pick yet. The yarn store is actually at a small farm where they also raise alpacas. Neat place to visit. They had a couple of young alpacas that were only a few days old. Very cute...
... more alpaca pics on our picasa album. The folks there recommended the 6th Street Bistro, in Hood River, as a good lunch place so we decided to give it a try and were not disappointed with our lunches of soup and salads. After lunch we headed across the river and onto WA-14 heading east towards Maryhill. Unfortunately, unknown to us was the extensive road resurfacing currently underway. Numerous sections of the highway were subject to one way traffic only resulting in a much longer drive than planned. We didn't get to the museum until nearly 4:00 pm and it closes at 5:00 pm so we ended up being a bit rushed. Oh well, we still had enough time for the one key permanent exhibit, which was on Kris' bucket list, The Theatre de la Mode. What an awesome exhibit!  This exhibit consists of 1/3 scale mannequins, each dressed by a couturier.  The exhibit was created in 1945 in Paris.  There was no money or materials for the couturier houses to have collections in the year right after the war but there was a desire to keep the skills of the artists who create the garments and accessories alive.  The entire collection is created with the same detail and skill as the full scale garments, shoes, handbags, hats.  The collection was sent on tour through Europe and then America to promote the products of the French fashion industry.  By the time the collection got to San Francisco the fashion industry was back in business and the interest in the mannequins petered out and there was no money to send it 'home'.  The collection went into storage and eventually a benefactor of the Maryhill Museum arranged to buy the collection and send it to the museum.  There are hundreds of mannequins and they are put on rotating display, so if you go every few years you might eventually see the entire collection.  Some of the mannequins have gone to Paris for exhibition;  I imagine the Petit Palais or some other Parisian museum would love to have it back permanently; it is a totally unique example of couturier fashion of the mid-century.

The views up and down the Columbia River valley were not too shabby either...

... more pics of the exhibit, the views from the museum terrace and the museum gardens are on our picasa album. For the drive back we elected to drive further west on WA-14 to the next river crossing (about 10 kms) and just take I-84 back to Troutdale. Tons of folks wind and kite surfing along the gorge but no good spots to stop and take pics of them.

Since Apple was to make their big announcement about the iphone 6 sometime Tuesday morning, we decided to just head back to the south end of Portland, stay overnight at a different RV park then see if we could pick up an iphone 5s at a discounted price after the announcement. So Tuesday morning we packed up and off we went. We drove south from Troutdale through Damascus where a fellow is known for building "tiny houses" on trailer frames and we wanted to have a look and chat with him. We found the place where he hangs out but he wasn't around. There was only one tiny house there and it was locked but we were able to have a look and peek in the windows. Cute. Anyway, we stopped for the night at the Roamer's Rest RV Park (another one with no picnic tables) in Tualatin, a south end bedroom community to Portland. After unloading the wee trailer we drove over to the Bridgeport Village Mall for another California Pizza Kitchen lunch then walked over to the Apple store. So the announcement was made, yada yada, and the iphone 6 will be available, in store, on the 19th and there will likely be a $100 price reduction on the iphone 5s but that discount will not be available until the 19th, Crap... oh well, we don't need the phone right away so will make a return trip up to Portland on the way back home. We could get one when we are in San Francisco later in the month but by waiting until we get back to Portland we avoid the sales tax and, hey, a return trip up to Portland is no great sweat anyway!

Wednesday we headed back to the coast. A full week had gone by and it was time to get back to where we were last week. We drove from Tualatin out to Lincoln City then south to Waldport where we stayed at the KOA for the night. We had a beautiful spot overlooking the bay...
... but, unfortunately, it was waaaay to windy to fire up the grill for the pork chops we bought for dinner. Instead we decided to drive down the hill into Waldport where we went into the Flounder Inn tavern, the only place on the main drag, for some wine and dinner. WARNING... do not go to this place. The food was AWFUL.  PLAIN AND SIMPLE! The only positive about the place was that the waitress put a ball game on the TV for us. Later we remembered that Yachats, a little town with numerous excellent eateries, is a mere 12 kms away. DRAT!

Thursday we continued south, past Florence where we had diverted back up to Portland last week, to Bandon where we stayed at the KOA for a couple of nights. This is still one of our favorite KOAs but it is not that great for folks with long rigs or a lot of slide outs where it appears many sites are too narrow for those big rigs. Perfect for our wee trailer though!  Turns out this weekend is a KOA special BOGO for KOA card members. Our timing is off by one night though so no bonus for us as you need to stay Friday to get Saturday free and we had plans further south for Saturday night. That night after checking in we drove into Port Orford for some wine and munchies (turned out to be more than enough for dinner) at Redfish, where spectacular views just never get old...

On this night we were fortunate to see a whale spouting a ways out off shore.

Friday we drove into Bandon. On the way into town we spotted a street sign for the Bandon Beach Loop Road which we thought we should try to see if it comes out closer to town. WOW... what a find. The long sandy beaches are broken only by fabulous outcroppings of huge rocks sticking out of the ocean....

... more pics along this section of the shoreline are on our picasa album for this trip. We stopped at Coquille Point for a while for some painting and sketching. Fabulous! It turned out that the beach loop road took us right into the old town area (where we wanted to go anyway). Unbeknownst to us, Friday afternoon was the start of the annual Cranberry Festival and much setting up etc along with a large number of tourists made for a very busy setting.  We wandered around the farmer's and artist's market then along the esplanade for excellent seafood combination (fish, prawns, oysters) lunches at the Bandon Bait & Tackle shop. I know, it doesn't sound right but they have a little take away seafood bar and some nice shaded seating outside. After lunch we wandered around the old town taking in neat places like Washed Ashore where they are constantly constructing large artwork out of stuff washed ashore. An excellent awareness campaign! Later, after grabbing a couple of iced lattes we drove south back to Port Orford for some painting and sketching before catching one last relaxing glass of wine on the patio at Redfish then heading back to the KOA to grill up those pork chops we bought a few days ago. Great day and nice evening outside at the campground.

Saturday we continued south into California. On the way through Brookings in Oregon we stopped at Fred Meyer and bought some deli fixings for lunch which we ate when we stopped at the harbor in Crescent City and watched a number of folks trying their best to catch a decent wave to surf but it was just a bit too calm on this day. Our destination for the day was Arcata where we got a spot at the Mad River Rapids RV Park. After a drive into Arcata for a walk around the town center we bought some salmon to poach for dinner and headed back to the RV park where it was still early enough to hit their outdoor pool for our first swim of this trip. However, shortly thereafter the fog started to roll in and the temperature dropped significantly. It was a nice but very cool evening to end this week.

Back to Week 2On to Week 4

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 2: Florence to Troutdale Oregon

Our general travel route for this week...

Sunday was a beautiful blue sky day. We decided to head into old town Florence for a riverfront patio lunch. We chose the ICM Restaurant where we sat out on the dock patio and lunched on oysters, crab cakes and a wedge salad for Kris and a shrimp louie salad for Brian. Very nice, albeit a tad on the expensive side for lunch. A few years ago, when we stayed here, at Mercer Lake, there was a fellow with a glass blowing workshop just off the highway into Florence. Yesterday we noticed his sign out again so, after lunch, we thought we would stop in and see what kind of blown glass projects he had available. We chatted with Jason for a bit before Brian decided to do a large (ish) glass float. Jason had just finished with a previous customer so we had to wait a bit while he got things ready but soon enough we were underway. Brian picked out the colors he wanted to use and Jason got everything ready. Jason did the first bit then showed Brian how to add the colors and then it was down to blowing...

... more pics of the whole experience are on our picasa album. We had to wait until Monday to pick up the finished product.

It was a nice late afternoon to sit out by the lake then we finished off the smoked tuna and salmon, from Winchester Bay, for dinner. We also finished off Season One of the Game of Thrones.

Monday morning we headed into Florence to pick up the glass piece. Unfortunately there was an accident on US 101 north of Florence and we got stuck in traffic for about an hour just getting to the glass place. When we finally drove by the site it looked like somebody had hit a pedestrian as there was a car with a large dent in the front and a totally shattered windshield. Later, an article in the local paper confirmed this. A 48 year old man apparently just walked out into the heavy traffic. The article hinted at suicide. We feel sorry for the 19 year old driver of the car.

Anyway, we picked up the blown glass piece and are very happy with the results...

Leaving the glass place we drove into Florence and went to the Safeway for some lunch and dinner munchies including some bbq'd short ribs (very mediocre). All in all we took well over an hour in Florence before heading back to Mercer Lake. The traffic going north on US 101 was still backed up and we waited another half hour or so in that line. Back at the lake we found most people who were going to check out today were still there. The park folks apparently told everyone to stick around and enjoy the park rather than sit in that traffic. Good idea since the weather was perfect for an afternoon at the lake. The young kids around certainly didn't mind the extra time here. Early evening about half the folks in our area of the RV park departed.

Tuesday morning the rest of the folks around us packed up and departed. We are now alone in this beautiful spot...

We drove into Florence, checked out Copeland Lumber (just to see the kind of stuff they had there compared to non-depot places at home), went to a bank to get change for laundry, and stopped at Fred Meyer where we picked up some smoked Steelhead and a nice coleslaw for lunch and a couple of packages of local oysters to fry up for dinner. On the way back to Mercer Lake we stopped at the Darlingtonia Wayside Park. Very interesting plants. You walk down a path in the forest and all of a sudden it is like you are in a totally different strange place...

... a bunch more Darlingtonia pics on our picasa album for this trip. Then it was back to the lake to just sit, enjoy and read the afternoon away.

Although we had booked the rest of the week at Mercer Lake, with the weather being so good inland we decided to backtrack up to Portland (the last 2 or 3 times we have been in Portland it has been very rainy) to take advantage of this weather. So Wednesday morning we packed up, reserved a spot for next year labor day weekend, paid our bill and headed out. The fastest way to Portland would be to head to Eugene via OR-126 then just take I-5 north but we decided to stay on secondary highways. Just west of  Eugene we turned north on the Territorial Hwy through Corvallis then turned east on OR-22 past Salem to I-5 for the last 35 or so kms to Wilsonville where we booked 2 nights at the Pheasant Ridge RV Park. Nice drive through the countryside for most of the way. When we booked the site we requested to be as close to the restrooms as possible. Turns out, in this fairly large park, that they placed us pretty well as far away as you can get (there are two spots past us). Oh well, just means that a pee break in the middle of the night might require a drive! Nice looking park but no picnic tables so no major meal preparations to be done here.  Anyway, we arrived around 1:30 PM so it was lunch time. After getting set up we drove a few miles north on I-5 to the Bridgeport Village Mall for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and a wander around the outdoor mall stores including the Container Store. For dinner we picked up some deli chicken, coleslaw, beet salad and potato salad at  Fred Meyer.

Thursday, after a lazy coffee morning we headed off to Fry's Electronics to see if we could find a new FM transmitter for our iphone. We're looking for one that charges at it transmits but no such luck and the best their staff could do was to recommend looking on Amazon. Seems their staff is very good at sending customers elsewhere. Fun store to look around in anyway. Then it was off to Costco to check out SonicCare toothbrush sets then a bit north into Tigard to Washington Square and lunch at Nordstroms. Washington Square is a large mall so after lunch we spent some time wandering around in Nordstrom, Macy's etc. Then it was time to find a Sonic (America's Drive In) for a large diet cherry limeade... aahhh! Late afternoon by now so stopped in at Camping World to pick up some more trailer leveling blocks then back to Costco to purchase the SonicCare since we didn't find a better price elsewhere. For dinner we returned to Fred Meyer and it's deli for some smoked Steelhead and salads for dinner.

Friday we packed up and headed a bit northeast to Troutdale, on the east side of Portland, to stay at the familiar Sandy Riverfront RV Park. Gerry was at the desk when we arrived just after noon. We had originally booked a spot through Sunday night but asked if we could stay one more and he confirmed that our spot was available for the extra night. It was a good thing though that we had booked more than a few days ago as the place is now full up through the weekend. On our way through Troutdale, to the RV Park, we noticed that the old location of Shaken (the martini bar we frequented a few years ago) has re-opened and re-branded under the name Troutini so we decided to walk up there later for a sip or two. Meanwhile after checking in we drove up to Gresham where we had a decent outdoor lunch at The Local Cow a place all themed out in "cow". After a bit of shopping in Gresham where we picked up a new FM transmitter that also charges an iphone 5 at Best Buy, we stopped at Fred Meyer for some dinner fixings then back to the wee trailer. Put everything away and walked up to Troutini where we had the largest baked brie appetizer one can imagine. It was easily enough for 4 people to share and  pretty well did us in as we ended up skipping dinner later. That night we finished the second season of Game of Thrones. Since it looks like we'll finish it with lots of time to spare on this trip, while in Best Buy we also picked up the complete series of The Wire. Should be good.

Saturday we headed to the Portland Craft Market. What a great place to wander around in for a couple of hours. Fabulous crafts of all sorts and no shortage of food stalls (if one is hungry at the time that is). Kris picked up a cute little bracelet made out of a bicycle spoke for all of $15...

After the market and a stop at Knit Purl (for another project) we drove over to the Pearl District. We had lunch at Henry's Tavern. College football game day in these parts as every TV in the place was blaring the sport. We had a couple of salads for lunch but unfortunately they had over spiced the tuna on Kris' and over bbq sauced the chicken on Brian's so much so that the basic taste of the salads were totally lost. Oh well... after a wander around the Pearl and a stop for an iced latte at Pete's Coffee, we headed to Powell's City of Books to spend a couple of hours browsing their shelves before calling it a day and heading back to the RV Park to cook up the salmon we bought for yesterday but didn't get to. Continuing beautiful weather to end the week.

Back to Week 1On to Week 3

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 1: Courtenay to Florence Oregon

Our general travel route for this week...

We left home, under beautiful blue skies, around 10:00 AM Monday morning. Nice easy drive. After a quick rest stop at Chapter's (book store with washroom) in Nanaimo we continued on to Victoria arriving around 2:00 PM. We checked the wee trailer into a spot at the Oceanside RV Park near Sidney and had a lunch of leftovers we cleaned out of the fridge before leaving home. Then drove into Victoria to check out favorite yarn (The BeeHive) and art supply (Opus) stores before heading back out to Saanich to visit our friends Andy and Donna. We got caught up on Andy's latest outdoor project, a new deck, and sat around and chatted before deciding to go out for dinner on the deck at the Brentwood Bay Inn. Very nice evening. We ended the evening, back at the trailer, watching the first couple of episodes of the first season of Game of Thrones. Watching one or two episodes a night we hope to get through the first 3 seasons by the end of this trip.

Tuesday morning Brian took a quick trip back over to Andy and Donna's place to drop off a book we have been trying to remember to return but keep forgetting (as we did yesterday), but it is now safely back in the right hands! Kris stopped in at the Dean Heights Salon to get her hair done then it was off to the Coho Ferry Terminal for the ride over to Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. After checking in at the terminal we had about an hour before the US customs guys started doing their rounds so we walked up the street to Cora's for lunch. Back at the terminal we chatted with the couple parked beside us. They are from Munich Germany so we exchanged stories about our visits to Munich and their current visit to the west coast. Lucky folks... they traveled north on Vancouver Island to Port Hardy and Telegraph Cove where they went on both a whale watching and grizzly bear watching tour and saw many of both. Way cool. They were on their way back to San Francisco for their return flight home. After an hour and a half wait, while the US customs guys went car to car checking for riffraff, off we went...

The ferry ride was quite smooth and uneventful except for a bit of rolling out in the open channel when a number of people walking in the lounge, we were in, had a bit of trouble keeping their balance. No fall overs though. Leaving the ferry we drove 2 hours south on US 101 to just south of Hoodsport where we camped over looking the water at the Waterfront at Potlatch RV Park. Beautiful spot...

After getting settled we drove a couple of miles down US 101 to the Lucky Dog casino but they didn't have any video poker machines so we just settled on dinner in their tiny restaurant. Decent meatloaf for both of us. Afterwards we sat out under the stars chatting with our RV Park neighbours and enjoying a nice bottle of local red wine.

Wednesday was a comfortable 2 hour drive south on US 101 into Oregon and Astoria where we set up for the night at the KOA just south of town in the small community of Hammond. We drove back into Astoria and after an excellent lunch of Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage and Crab Cakes, at the Fort George Brewery and Pub, we wandered around the down town area taking in the sights and window shopping for a an hour or so. Late afternoon we stopped at Fred Meyer department store to pick up a new cooler and other supplies along with some steaks to grill for dinner. Another pleasant evening to sit out.

Thursday we continued down US 101 to Lincoln City. We stopped at a number of viewpoints overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the coastline. This drive down the west coast just never gets old...

... there are a few more Oregon coast pics on our picasa album for this trip (and for previous trips as well). For lunch we stopped at the Fish Peddler restaurant on the dock in Bay City just north of Tillamook...

... some pics of oyster shucking etc are on our picasa album for this trip. We have stopped here numerous times and the oysters seem to just get better and better. The crab and shrimp melt wasn't too bad either. In Lincoln City we booked into the Premier RV Resort in the south end of town. We had "joined the club" before leaving home so when we checked in we got our membership card and the punch card which after 7 nights, at any of the club's parks, we get the 8th night free (might take awhile but will be welcome when it happens). We spent a while at the Tangier's Factory Outlet before hitting the Safeway for some fresh shrimp for dinner later. Early in the evening we walked across the street to the Inn at Spanish Head for a couple of glasses of wine and calamari appies in their 10th floor lounge overlooking the beach and ocean. Wine was good. Calamari was mediocre (could have been a tad crispier).

Friday we continued south to Florence our first major stop. On the way we stopped in Yachats at ONA for lunch. More excellent oysters and crab cakes. We arrived at the Mercer Lake RV Resort (a tad north of Florence) about 2:00 pm or so and got quickly settled in to RV spot #6. Had trouble getting their cable box to work so gave up on TV. We're not here to watch TV anyway so will be ok with just watching more episodes of Game of Thrones later in the evenings. One excellent thing they have done at the resort is to hack back the bushes at the end of the RV spots...

 Previous times we have been here we could not see the lake from our site. Now we have a great view out over the lake. After vegging out for a bit we took a drive into Florence to get some supplies at Fred Meyer and to go into the old town and see if we could find a patio spot overlooking the river. We lucked out at Kelly's Cantina where their single patio table was free. Nice evening sit out before heading back to the trailer to fire up the bbq for a grilled steak dinner.

Saturday awoke to the first rain of this trip which prompted a quick setup of our awning so we could still make coffee etc (we don't cook anything inside the wee trailer). It's all good. The rain let up late morning and the skies started to clear. We decided to head south, about half an hour, to Winchester Bay to see their annual art show at the marina and to see if the regular weekly summer salmon bbq was still going. The art show was pretty skimpy but we did score a few metal "salmon on a stick" for our garden...

We've looked at some at home but they have all been quite expensive. These are by far the least expensive and, if the truth were told, nicest we have found so they are going home with us.

After storing the metal fish in the car we headed onto the dock for lunch at Fishpatrick's Crabby Cafe. Busy as usual but worth the wait for fried oysters and a big bowl of chowder. Yummm!

Oh, and the salmon bbq... they decided to take the summer off this year! Oh well, the store is still selling so we picked up a piece of smoked tuna and a piece of smoked salmon for dinner along with a small container of smoked salmon spread to enjoy on crackers while having a glass of wine sitting out overlooking Mercer Lake. Nice evening to end this first week. 

On to Week 2